Union E-Board 

President:         David Chávez

The President presides at all meetings of the Federation and of the Executive Board. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees, signs all necessary papers and documents, and represents the local when and where necessary. The President is the custodian of the seal and charter of the Federation.

Vice President: Vacant

The Vice-President performs all duties of the President in the absence of that officer. The Vice-President serves as the Academic Senate liaison, and other such duties assigned by the president.

Secretary: Stefani Baez

The Secretary issues all notices, answers correspondence at the direction of the President, and reports outside correspondence to the President and the Executive Board. The Secretary records the minutes of the Executive Board, negotiations, grievance meetings, and the general membership meetings. The Secretary is also in charge of updating the union website. 

Liza Rios

Treasurer: Liza Rios

The Treasurer receives, records, and deposits in the name of the Federation all monies from dues and all other sources. She keeps the membership roll, issue receipts and delinquent notices, and forwards all per capita dues and current membership lists to the national office of the AFT. 

Membership Officer: Nathan Lopez

The Membership Officer shall process all faculty requests for personal or professional services from the Federation or the District. The Membership Officer shall also be in charge of conducting out-reach efforts and planning events to increase and maintain membership in the Federation.

Grievance Officer: Jose Bernaudo

The Grievance Officer processes all grievances for the Federation and serves as Chairperson of the Grievance Committee.

Adjunct Rep: Vacant

The Adjunct Faculty Representative shall be the official representative of the part-time faculty on the Executive Board.

Janette Morales

Past-President: Janette Morales

Past-President of the Federation shall be considered an exofficio officer of the Executive Board. The Past-President's duties shall be to advise the President of the Federation and to serve as a voting member of the Executive Board of the Federation. The Past-president shall attend E-Board and Union meetings.

President-Elect: Vacant

The President-Elect shall become familiar with the duties of the Federation President by attending Executive Board meetings, Union meetings, Consultative Council meetings, and any other meetings or training the Federation President recommends. The President-Elect shall learn pertinent parliamentary procedure and become familiar with the functions of the Federation. The President-Elect may hold another office in the Federation until beginning his/her term of office as President and shall be a voting officer of the Executive Board, if not holding another office. The President-Elect shall serve for 1 year, followed by a 2-year term as President of the Federation.

Contact Us 

To contact the Union E-Board please email the union at cccfefaculty@gmail.com or fill out our Union Form on our forms page.